

每年, 在四月的第一个星期, the K8彩乐园 celebrates Diversity 教育 Week (D.E.W.). 这一周致力于强调和庆祝UNA校园社区中每个人之间的差异, 同时学习更多关于教育多样性的历史,并倡导继续支持大学校园里的多元化学生.


这个月我们庆祝世界各地的女性, 年轻人和老年人, 过去和现在, 在妇女历史月期间.


这个月, 米歇尔-韦斯特社会包容中心通过研究非裔美国人对艺术的丰富而美好的影响以及他们的斗争来庆祝黑人历史月.


每年的11月8日, 我们庆祝第一代大学庆祝日, 荣誉ing first-gen students and graduates in their accomplishments and careers.


罗德尼·威尔逊, 密苏里州的一名高中教师, 在1994年组织了第一个正式的LGBTQ+历史月, along with fellow educators and 社区 leaders and national LGBTQ+ advocacy organizations. In 2006, 平等论坛开始促进LGBTQ+历史月,他们继续庆祝LGBTQ+社区的成就,在10月的每一天突出一个模范个人.


这个月, 女性研究中心和米切尔-韦斯特社会包容中心希望突出历史上为工作场所安全铺平道路的一些女性, 平等, and 股本 through their work and persistence in breaking boundaries.


We know that life after college can be scary, exciting, and difficult. 我们会帮你的! 当你读这篇博客的时候, you’ll find some tips and tricks for the workforce when the time comes. We hope that these tips will help you to be more confident as you go into the “real world”.


四月是性侵犯意识月. This year’s theme is “Drawing 连接ions: Prevention Demands Equity.” The mission of this month is to raise awareness about sexual violence that occurs around the world, 帮助教育人们预防艾滋病的方法, and to address 种族 股本 in the ways we respond to and support survivors.


女性历史月是专门用来庆祝所有做出重要贡献的女性的,而这些贡献通常被堆积成一堆被忽视的贡献. 这个月我们有机会讨论, 荣誉, and reflect on the role women have played in shaping the world that it is today. The national 妇女历史月 theme for 2023 is “庆祝妇女 Who Tell Our Stories.”


Nearly 46 million people identify themselves as Black or African American in the U.S. 从乔治·华盛顿·卡弗和多萝西·海德这样的开拓者到今天的榜样安妮塔·希尔和尼尔·德格拉斯·泰森, the Black 社区 has put enormous effort into the ongoing fight for social, 种族, 经济公正.


我们承认印第安人是原始居民, 探险家, 以及美国的移民. 我们尊敬富有的祖先, 传统, 以及美洲原住民的文化, 并承认需要做的工作,以确保美国各地土著人民的权利和认可.


米切尔-韦斯特社会包容中心和妇女研究中心将观察包括LGBTQ+历史月在内的活动, 乳腺癌宣传月, 以及整个十月的家庭暴力宣传月. There will be various events, workshops, and exhibits to help educate our campus 社区.


We are so excited to begin our 4th Fall semester here on campus since opening in August 2019. In case you missed it, the Mitchell-West Center for Social Inclusion has grown! The Center for 女士们n’s Studies is now co-located with us in Rice Hall on the 1st Floor.


萨根是佛罗伦萨当地的一名青少年. 今年夏天,她联系了米切尔-韦斯特社会包容中心的志愿者,并想写一篇关于社会参与重要性的博客, 但是从不同的角度来看. 欣赏这个特别版,由萨根·哈特撰写.


暑假马上就要到了! Even though you won’t feel the same pressure to pull all-nighters or work on assignments, 你还有“工作”要做. 这个夏天给你提供了一个很好的机会去做那些你在过去几个月里一直推迟的有趣和放松的事情, 尽管如此, it is also a perfect time for you to check in on your emotional and mental health.


多元化教育周(DEW)是我们坚持创建一个欢迎和包容校园的承诺的一部分. 我们利用这一周,通过建立联系的机会,促进对不同文化和交叉身份的认识和理解, 社区, 和参与. DEW is a signature week presented by the Division of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. 


The National 女士们n’s History Alliance designates a yearly theme for 妇女历史月. 2022年的主题是“女性提供治疗,促进希望”.这既是对这场持续大流行期间护理人员和一线工作人员不懈工作的致敬,也是对历史上各种文化的妇女以数千种方式提供治愈和希望的认可."


In the United States, Black History Month is observed during the month of February. 这个月 often serves as a time of education, reflection, remembrance, and action. 在我们纪念这个为期一个月的活动时, 我们可以认识到承认和尊重黑人社区中交叉身份的重要性.


Since beginning in 2019, we have centered our work philosophy around collaboration. 作为校园里的新中心, 我们的任务是支持教育, 研究, 社区, and advocacy by working with different stakeholders on campus, 浅滩, 横跨整个州和地区. Our goal has been to provide an accessible and inclusive space for students and faculty to share knowledge, 在跨学科项目上合作, 与致力于解决我们今天面临的一些最紧迫的社会问题的组织建立可持续的伙伴关系.


2020年11月 博客 描述积极公民连续体模型, which suggests a process of experiential learning that focuses on questioning, 理解, 采取行动解决社会问题. UServe 基于这一模式,是联合国大学于2019年开发的一个交互式公民参与项目,是 社区服务及外展米切尔-韦斯特社会包容中心. 自成立以来, 住房和居住生活 has been an instrumental co-sponsor for the monthly educational component before our service event.


你知道UNA是俄亥俄河以南第一所由国家支持的男女同校学校,也是美国最古老的男女同校师范学院吗.S.? 我们将在全年举办一些活动来表彰女性,您可以在我们的网页上了解这些活动. 我们将以女性行动系列开始这个学期.


Mental Health Awareness Month has been recognized since 1949 in the United States. The awareness month started off as a week that was launched by the founder, Clifford W. 美国心理健康协会的比尔斯说. The organization and awareness month aim to destigmatize mental illnesses and raise awareness on suicide, while drawing attention to psychological disorders 和 communities that they affect nationwide.


因为如果我们的目标是包容“每个人”,我们就忽视了使包容性教学不仅必要而且有意义和有益的生命和动力. 在谈论种族问题时,把“每个人”都包括进来,相当于一直流行的“我看不清肤色”.


三月到了,这意味着是妇女历史月. 而女性的成就每天都很重要, this month is dedicated to commemorating vital role of women in American history. 妇女历史月 started as 女士们n’s History Week in 1982 after Congress passed Pub. L. 97-28. Over the next five years following this initial commemoration, Congress continued to pass joint resolutions that designated a week in March as 女士们n’s History Week.


Dr. 温德尔·冈恩对联合大学的历史很重要,因为他是1963年第一个加入联合大学的黑人学生(当时我们被称为佛罗伦萨州立学院). 而冈恩的遗产是重要的, we still have much to learn about the history of Black faculty integration at the University. This is not that far removed from today and faculty diversity is still at the forefront of diversity, 股本, 以及全国高等教育的包容性努力.


全纳教学指的是“不分背景或身份,努力满足所有学生需求的教学法”, 并支持他们对主题材料的参与”(耶鲁大学普尔夫教学中心, 2020). 这涉及到意向性和专注于创造一个学习环境,通过获得课程材料和成功机会,所有学生都能得到公平对待.


Civic engagement or civic participation is vital for a democracy to survive and thrive. Civic engagement involves collective action to address issues of public concern, working to make a difference in civic life within a 社区, 并发展知识和技能,使之有所作为.


LGBTQ+历史月于1994年由密苏里州一位名叫罗德尼·威尔逊(GLAAD)的高中历史老师创立.org). 根据美国国会图书馆的资料, 1995年,全国教育协会大会通过了一项决议,将LGBT历史月列入纪念月份名单.


这是我们作为校园中心的第二年,我想我们本学期的第一个博客应该向大家介绍或重新介绍米切尔-韦斯特社会包容中心, 位于赖斯大厅的一楼.


詹姆斯·鲍德温曾经说过, “历史, 几乎没有人知道这一点, 难道不只是值得一读吗. And it does not refer merely, or even principally, to the past. 正相反,他接着说, “the gr吃 force of history comes from the fact that we carry it within us, 在很多方面都无意识地受到它的控制, 历史确实存在于我们所做的一切中.


There is an ever-increasing need for these civic values in our democratic society, 特别是在一个有着许多不同社会的国家, 文化, 经济, 政治背景, and where historically some citizens have been privileged at the expense of others. 我们从这个角度来看待我们的教学,并相信教师在培养孩子成为社会公正的个体方面负有深刻的责任.




选择休息 are what you get when you mix social justice, 有意义的行动, 和一群大学生在一起.


In 2016, 我们来到了石灰石监狱, a large maximum-security prison that holds approximately 2200 men, to see whether UNA could help to meet the facility’s educational needs as outlined in a local news article.

UNA students participating in the 残疾支援服务 Panel Discussion last year alongside Dr. 格雷厄姆·西森,杰里米·马丁,还有基茨总统.

Students living with disabilities are enrolling in postsecondary institutions at an increasing rate. The National Center for 教育 Statistics reports that during the 2015-2016 academic year, 19%的大学本科生和11.9%的学士学位后学生报告有残疾.